

Good day, Guys :)
i believe lots of you have tried cushion.
it has been a popular product in Asia.
me, myself have tried lots different brand but i haven't done any reviews.
i know it's quite late but its better late than never, right ;)
so here we go.
( p.s : i don't own several photos cause i didn't take photos of them. )

so, i have tried The Face Shop, Lancome, Laneige and Etude.
first i'll review about Etude.
source : google
I believe you guys have known this brand especially if you are a korean addict XD
Etude is my first cushion. i used this mint green one because it has this color correcting that suit my reddish skin around my cheeks. this also brighten up your skin.
if you have reddish but darker skin tone, i suggest not using this one cause it'll make your skin looks ashy.
for coverage : light to medium.

source : google

The second one is Laneige.
what i used is Snow BB Soothing Cushion.
Laneige cushion is quite popular among Indonesian people.
it quite pricey but you get two ( include refill )
so its definitely worth it.
it also have SPF 50+ PA+++
coverage is light to medium.
it has more than one shades so choose the one suit your skin tone :)

third one is Lancome.
i've been loving this one for quite some time.
its more pricey than Laneige but it has like a whole lot more than the other brand.
for coverage is medium to heavy.
this cover like crazy. it's foundation kinda like, so if you're looking for more coverage cushion,
then this one is yours to choose.
it has so many shades, 8 if im not mistaken.
4 for BO ( pink-ish skin tone ) and 4 for O ( yelow-ish )
but, too bad it doesn't provide darker tone in Indonesia.

Last one is The Face Shop.
i have to say i'm new to this cushion cause i rarely buy The Face Shop products.
but on the last event, they were having exchange product kinda event,
so i brought my other brand empty cushion and traded it with the new TheFaceShop cushion.
pic on the left is the last packaging model.
and the right one is the newest.
it came with 2 kinds of cushion.
Ultra moist and Intense cover.
since my skin doesn't really have too much blemishes, i choosed Ultra Moist one for more light and glowing finish.
coverage is light to medium.
for Intense cover, coverage is medium to heavy.
both finish with glowing skin.

left : Lancome - right : TheFaceShop

now this is the different of Lancome and The Face Shop.
i love both but i just want to show the difference.
Lancome cushion has larger pore than TheFaceShop.
it also has more liquid than TheFaceShop which makes it last longer.
but because its so wet you have to really be careful while pressing it with sponge cause if not, you can see you'll make it look dirty and some products might get to your nails / finger.

but in the end i love them all.
for more everyday look i say Laneige is better.
but for more coverage, Lancome.

Thankyou for reading my review.
if you are still in search of cushion,
why don't you try the one i tried before :D

i have discount code for you to shop at Sociolla.
Click Sociolla Banner on top right side of my blog.

a little story about Sociolla, 
i once shop on their website to buy Laneige Cushion for my sister birthday and it was like her birthday tomorrow ( yes, she just told me what she want the day before XD )
i thought it will arrive like 3 to 4 days but i was totally surprised.
cause the next day someone knocked my door and it was Sociolla delivery guy and yes my Cushion landed safely on my hand with their cute signature packaging just in time on my sis birthday.
two thumbs up for Sociolla :*

so guys, i hope you enjoy shopping <3
and let me know which cushion is your favourite.
see you around :D



It's April, 7th when Molto first launched their perfume at Sephora Plaza Indonesia.
I was so surprised when i got the invitation and knew it was Molto.
As Molto is well known for its softener and detergent since i was a kid, so this is one huge step they take for this new era.

i personaly love this scent. 
it has fruity and floral scent suits with the tropical season in Indonesia.
and also EDP scent last for long.
the design is quite minimalist, classic and elegant.
i love how it's see through so we can see how many left.

for price : IDR 520.000,- / 100ml
only 1 size.

but there are also the small one with various scents to suit your personality.



How's that before and after picture looking?
read below to know how much fat reduced :D

here in Oya, they do two steps for body shaping.
on my first visit, 
they apply oil and massage it onto my belly.
this called cavitation.
this step is to destroy all those fat and loosen the muscles.
you can see the sweat coming out from my lower belly.

di Oya, ada 2 langkah untuk body shaping.
di kunjungan pertama,
kita dipakain minyak di daerah yang mau di kecilin.
namanya kavitasi.
langkah ini untuk menghancurkan lemak dan melemaskan otot otot badan.
bisa dilihat perutku langsung merah dan mengeluarkan keringat.
jadi minyak itu bukan untuk membakar tapi agar mesinnya lebih mudah me-massage.

next step is applying their famous Oya's Cream.
now this is to burn all those fat.
this step will be done twice on your first and second visit.
each visit better be done about 2 days after first visit.

langkah selanjutnya yaitu dipakaiin krim dari Oya.
krim ini fungsinya untuk membakar lemak yang sudah dihancurkan.
untuk langkah ini bakal dilakuin dua kali di kunjungan pertama dan kedua.

this called Microcurrent.
they wrapped my belly with this belt which connected to the machine.
this gave like shocking, electric feelings.
at first it won't feel good but after a few minutes, it was totally fine :)

setelah diolesin krim,
perutku dibungkus dengan semacam tali pinggang besar yang disambungkan dengan mesinnya.
rasanya itu kayak kejut - kejut dan seperti ada listriknya.
awalnya rasanya gak nyaman, tapi setelah beberapa menit pasti sudah terbiasa dengan langkah ini.

this is my belly after microcurrent.
after this, they cleaned my belly.

ini perut aku setelah microcaren.
setelah itu perut aku dibersihin.

move on to the last step which is Radio Frequency.
this step is to tighten your body after all those fat burning.
it feels kinda hot which means your the machine is working on your body.
but don't worry it won't last long :p

sekarang langkah terakhirnya yaitu Radio Frequency.
langkah ini untuk mengencangkan badan supaya badannya tidak kembali seperti semula lagi.
rasanya agak panas dan perih yang artinya mesinnya bekerja dengan baik.
tenang aja karena langkah ini cuma sebentar.

and now...
i lost 5 CM in two visits *happytears*

dan sekarang...
perutku berkurang 5 cm dalam dua kunjungan *nangisbahagia*

yep, so far I'm so satisfied whith the result.
i've seen lots of people loss about 6 cm and even more with just these two visit.
too bad i can't loss to much more because i do go to gym and my body is quite tight on the muscle.
but it totally recommend this body shaping.
if you are too lazy to exercise, then this is the right choice.
as this is called exercise on bed :p 
it burns and tighten which is the same as exercising but in faster way.
so for you guys who wants to try this out, 
i got you guys discount voucher :*
worth two visits.
of course you can choose which body parts you want to shape.
it can be your arms, thighs, or belly.

Psst, ini juga bisa buat cowok loh.
selain hilangin lemak, juga bisa menambah massa otot kalian :D

yep, aku puas banget dengan hasil akhirnya.
aku udah banyak lihat orang lain yang bisa berkurang 6cm dan lebih dalam dua kunjungan ini.
sayangnya aku gak bisa kurang lebih banyak lagi karena otot badan aku yang keras gara - gara suka gym :(
tapi buat kamu yang mau kurus tapi mager banget buat olahraga, 
mendingan kamu coba body shaping si Oya Clinic.
setelah itu baru kamu gym biar lebih semangat hehehe.
Body shaping ini juga disebut sebagai olahraga di atas kasur alias sambil tiduran.
karena dia membakar lemak sekaligus mengencangkan.
buat kalian yang mau coba,
aku punya voucher discount 50% 
untuk 2 kali kunjungan.
tentu saja kalian boleh pilih bagian badan mana yang mau kalian kurangin kemaknya.
bisa tangan, paha ataupun perut.

Oh iya, di bulan april ini Oya bakal ngadain acara.
Stay tuned biar kalian tau bakalan ada apa :D

Tell me when you try it <3
Kasih tau aku ya kalo kalian udah cobain <3


RiRi by Rihanna Launching

I love Riri especially when it comes to her fashion style and makeup.
she always look gorgeous in every event <3
Last year Riri launched her new scent 'Riri by Rihanna'
but now its available in Indonesia.

Launched last thursday at Amber chocolate bar.

served by delicious canapés.

how the scent smell is so good!
i swear this by far is the most refreshing scent i've ever tried and had.
the packaging is luxurious and has its flirty and fun side.
overall i love love this scent even though it doesn't stay for long.
it only comes with one sized which is 10ml worth IDR 975.000,-